High Performance Microgreens from VMF

Vallecito Micro Farm is a cottage microgreens business that believes growing and consuming tiny vegetables and herbs is a very delicious, effective, sustainable and accessible means of providing bioavailable, essential nutrition to everyone in the Four Corners area. I grow microgreens like no one else that I am aware of. I use the best available knowledge and resources from Nature and from science to offer the most nutrition targeted, high-performance microgreens available.  

Organic, Heirloom and Custom Growing Ecosystems

My crops are grown organically whenever possible, which includes heirloom seeds, soils, soil amendments and hydroponic nutrients. Lighting wavelengths and intensity, growing mediums, water solutions, humidity and air control all influence the way a tiny seed germinates and grows over the course of 7 - 21 days into an amazing food source called microgreens. Vallecito Micro Farm applies an understanding of these environmental inputs to optimize the health benefits we receive from eating these local microgreens.

High Quality Deliciousness

You can always trust that freshness, taste, crispness and longevity are always top priorities. I'm not a chef but I've owned and operated restaurants, and I love high quality food.

I'm a bit of a serial ecopreneur and I have decades of personal and professional experience that informs my farming approach and desired outcomes for me, you, my farm and my community. My career is highlighted throughout the last thirty+ years by offering a variety of personal wellness services and products, focusing on nutrition, performance, digestive care and Ayurveda. I've lived on a biodynamic CSA farm in the SW and helped feed over 300 people on 1.5 acres for 35 weeks out of the year. 

I care about the food I eat and grow for you

My body has an interesting collection of health curiosities but overall I'm very grateful for the healthy, athletic life I've been able to lead. For many years I supported people with digestive ailments and nutritional deficiencies, all while being able to basically consume whatever I wanted. Then in my 40s, despite my balanced diet and substantial life support practices, I entered a cold, dark phase where stress and some poor decisions created a very uncomfortable life for me; serious nausea and digestive unrest, overall health and attitude plummeted, etc. I can still trigger it today if I'm not careful. 

I have a history in starting sustainable projects in Colorado, so here I am using only long-term reusable growing trays and flats, and I limit soil growth mediums only to the plants that require soil for optimal health. I am testing the business model of using reusable live trays and flats with customers right away without charging a deposit for them. Subscriptions make this aspect much easier, so we can exchange your empty tray when I deliver your fresh greens. 

I grow and regularly eat microgreens because they are densely packed with a wide variety of essential and non-essential nutritious compounds, they're little culinary gems that deliver concentrated flavors, they have a crispy and tender texture and excite me with vibrant colors.  

What are microgreens?

Microgreens is a term that relates to a specific stage of a vegetable or herb's growth cycle: sprout, microgreen, baby green, mature vegetable are the four main stages. Microgreens often contain as much or more essential nutrients than sprouts, baby, or mature vegetables and herbs. My goal is to make the science as transparent as possible.